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Very useful for redirects

Redirecting ONE subdomain to ONE WordPress page

[note] Important: Make sure you create a redirect rule for both subdomains. Create a redirect for the subdomain that contains www and the one without the www.


A good example of this situation is directing [html]www.orientation.tcu.edu[/html] to [html]sds.tcu.edu/students/incoming/orientation/[/html].

Follow all bullet points

  • Add www.orientation.tcu.ed and orientation.tcu.edu domains into the WP Engine install. Go to Install Name > Domains > Add New Domain
    Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 9.33.13 AMScreen Shot 2015-04-21 at 10.56.42 AM
  • Then go to Install Name > Redirect Rules > New Redirect Rule
  • Create Redirect Name – this field can be anything you’d like
  • Domain – Choose the domain you are redirecting (example: www.orientation.tcu.edu)
  • Domain – All Domains
  • Source – ^/$
  • Destination – Entire URL that includes the http
    Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 9.33.02 AM

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